Before knowing the world’s previous history about the tourism we must know about the tour and tourism. The tour means the activity lf traveling of tourist or travelers where tourism includes all the activity which is directly or indirectly related to operate the tour.
As far after knowing the term tour and tourism we must also know about the tourist. As per the question arises who are the tourist in this case the answer comes in this way the travelers who travels various places with different mission for certain period of time and generates economic expenses is known as tourist. This all above are the simple definitions regarding the Terms? The terms traveller, tour, tourist, and tourism have being developed sequence. The model of these terms is given below as figure.
Travellers Tourist Tour Tourism
· Traveller: the person who used to travel in ancient period for their various special purposes like as hunting, food etc.
· Tourist: persons who travelled in a mass or individually started to be called tourist.
· Tour: when man became modern the concept of tour came where the concept of mass people travelling together in a package.
· Tourism: the composite term which contained traveller, tour, tourist, entrepreneurs, intermediaries, suppliers, producer, demand creator, demanders various other activities etc. are included together which has the relation with tourism either directly or indirectly.
After the development of tourism concept the various definitions regarding tourism started to be explained. Where some of the definitions of professor, organization or people related to the tourism are given below:-
Sir Herman van scheullard, Austria (1910). He has defined tourism as: “the sum total of operations mainly of economic nature, which directly related to the entry, stay and movement of foreigners inside and outside a certain county city or region.”
AIEST (association of international scientific experts in tourism 1981) defined tourism as:
“Tourism may be defined in terms of particular activities selected by choice and undertaken outside the home environment. Tourism may or may not involve overnight stay away from the home.”
At last at 1993 UNWTO gave an official definition regarding tourism. “Tourism is an activity of a person travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for, leisure, business, or any other purpose.”
History of international tourism (अन्तरास्ट्रिय पर्यटन को इतिहास )
Before in ancient age people used to travel for only food, hunting etc. purpose. They didn’t know anything about tourism. They weren’t civilized so they only travelled for their own purpose. They used to travel from one jungle to another jungle or place. The travelling is linked with the civilization of people. When the civilization was started the travelling was also started together. At that time there was only lone mode of travelling and that was walking.
Later people became more civilized and they started to travel by riding in donkey, horse, yak, bull, etc. after more civilization on they got a new mode of transportation where animals were used as a mode of transportation.
1480 B.C.E.:- probably the first journey ever made for purposes of peace and tourism was made by queen Hatshepsut to the land of punt(believed to be on the east coast of Africa). Description of this tour has been recorded on the walls of the temple of deirel – bahri atLuxor.
1600 t0 1200 B.C.E.:- on the Greek peninsula of the Mycenaean’s, who flourished B.C.E. a two lane road 13.5 feet wide, ran from the coast ofCrete to the capital at Knossos. In Greece, roads were usually one lane, although some were as much as 11.5 feet wide. Bridges and culverts kept them passable. After that at that at that time mainly three groups used to travel. They were military, government officials and caravans.
326 B.C.E.:- alexander the great found well developed roads in India.
Between 500 and 400 B.C.E.:- in Persia (nowIran) all the cities and province were connected to the capital, Susa. This road was 1500, miles long.
98 to 117C.e:- by the time of Emperor Trajan, the roman roads comprised a network of some 50000 miles. They griddled the Roman Empireextending from near Scotland and Germany in the north to the south well within Egypt and along the southern shores of Mediterranean sea to the east, roads extended to the Persian gulf in what is now Iraq and Kuwait. Now the romans could travel as much as 100 miles a day using relays of horses furnished from rest post 5 to 6 miles apart. Particularly the pyramid s and monuments of Egypt.
Between 160 and 180c.e.( during the reigns of emperors Hadrian, Hadrian, Antonius pius and Marcus Aurelius’ :- the only guide book to survive from ancient times is a guide book ofGreece, written by a Greek named Pausanias.
At that time romans were most civilized group so they used to travel various places for various places for reasons where travelling and tourism is always linked with the civilization, the fast civilization grows the tourism also expand in same way.
According to the different tourism related expert has categorized the history of development of tourism into 6 periods or eras.
1. The empire era (B.C.E. to 5th century):
Near 4000 B.C.E.:- invention of money by the Sumerians (Babylonians) which helped a lot to flourish tourism. It made easy to travel by paying.
2050 B.C.E.:- invention of road by king ofur.
In this era there were no concept of tourism but people used to travel various places using animals as a vehicle because the roads. Were constructed for the monument of animals and the introduction of money was also happened in same era which motivated people to trace. At that time there was affluent population with time and money to travel. There were widely accepted currencies and widely used languages, the legal system were strong so many people traveled in this era.
2. The middle age era (5th to 14th century)
500 to 1400 C.E/A.D. :- during Europe’s middle ages, a royal party in unfamiliar territory sends out a harbinger to scout the best route, find accommodation and food, then return to the group as guide.
13th century: Marco polo’s historic travel took place.
In this era the transportation and safety declined, less acceptance of currencies and less knowledge of common languages. In this era some traveled by crusaders to holy land.
3. Renaissance era (14th to 16th century): in this era re invention and re travelling trend started. People increased interested in travel for commerce and pleasure
4. Grand tour era:- (1613 to 1785 ad.) 1744 ad:- the concept of modern hotel started in this era people who are rich and of high standard used to travelling. The trend of luxurious travel started by wealthy English, developed as status symbol and spread throughout Europe, goal was to experience the “civilized word.” And study the arts and sciences. These travels often lasted for several years. In this the industrial evolution began to start.
5. The mobility era (1800-1944)
1830 A.D:- first rail link betweenLiverpool and Manchester was started
1841 A.D:- introduction of package tour by Thomas cook by travelling in tail with 570 passengers. The first tourism business was introduced by Thomas cook.
1845 A.D:- world’s first travel agency opened.
1849 A.D.:- in modern tourism first guide book was published as ‘john Murrayshandbook’ for London.
1879 A.D.:-Thomas cook introduced hotel coupon (pay here get there).
1891 A.D.; - American express, henry wells introduced travellers cheque
Near 1900:- 1st motor car
· Auto bahn (four lane road system) constructed
· Later highways under construction
1903; - wright brothers introduced airplane
1918:- deutsche Lufthansa provided the first scheduled air passenger’s service from berlin to leipgig and Weimar.
1936; - AIR TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION (ATA) was formed in Chicago
1939:- first Tran Atlantic flight
This was one of the important periods where tourism got to flourish in rapid way due to of Thomas cook, introduction of auto bans, airlines and evolutions in industry.
6. The modern era (1945 to till now)
1946:- first airlines in Europe (British airways)
1970; - first jet airlines Boeing 747 “jumbo jet” took 352 passenger
1964:- American airlines in augurates the SABRE computerized reservation system (CRS) were introduced.
2001:- Dennis tito took the world’s first paid space vacation
In this era there become various developments in technology and system which made tourism easier, reliable, safe secured etc. where people can travel without any problems. There are so many tourism m agencies over the world. This can’t be counted. By knowing this we can guess how the tourism market is flourishing over the world.
Nepal’s Tourism history/ development(नेपाल पर्यटन को इतिहास / विकास क्रम )
Ancient period/history
By seeing the history that the Manjushree is known as a first visitor ofNepal who came from Tibet. He cut an opening with his sword and drained the water of this Kathmandu valley and created a valley named “kantipur”. There are other history related Mahabharata. The first written history of Nepal has recorded the virth of Siddhartha gautam at lumbini, south of Nepal. Ashoka the great emperor visited lumbini. He had alliance with Nepal by marrying his daughter to aprince. She settled down the chabahi and built charumati bahal /stups. It is also popularly belived that ashoka erected the four stupas in the four cardina directions of patan.
The written history of Kathmandu valley, known as Nepal, starts from 400 A.D when manadeva of lichhivi dynasty worshipped at change and erected a stone pillar. The art and architecture of that time is the best in oceanographic term.
The marriage of tsrong-tseng gampo(emperor of Tibet) and bhrikuti a nepali princess, who is worshipped as ‘green Tara’ opened the history of Tibet Nepal trade. After this marriage many Tibetan came to Nepal to see there’s queens. Country and also bhrikuti had influence them about Buddhism. Tibetian started to import- export thankas from Nepal. They started trade with newar communities ofKathmandu. Several prominent leaders, scholars and writers visited Nepal duting theis time and they’ve highlighted the hospitality and craftsmanship of nepali people.
Malla rulers replaced the lichhavis and developed this valley as an open air- museum. This was the period when almost all fine art and architecture, the graceful pagodas, festivals and ceremonies were developed, which is still practiced. Malla king and of this valley were indebted with the responsibility of creating manmade attraction. The biggest assets of cultural tourism araniko, the greatest artist of that time visited Tibet and china and introduce was very famous in western world as Chinese (oriental) style. At people visited to see the art and architecture of Nepal. This was one of the unique art and architecture in world.
Shah and Rana period (शाह र राणा काल)
This was the period when rana were handling the country by keeping shah king down. After the kot massacre junga bahadur was entrusted as prime minister. Junga bahadur made sea voyage to visit queen of England and became the first Nepali to cross the ocean. Ranas closed Nepal for foreigners. British residency was there but their officials weren’t allowed to roam around freely.
1877A.D:- King George v and Prince of Wales were invited for shooting in the terai of Nepal.
There were no man peoples who visited Nepal because rana had totally closed Nepal for foreigners.
After democracy period/modern period
1951A.D. - democracy restoration after that Nepalopened door for foreigners.
1953 A.D.:- Mt. Everestsuccessful expedition by Edmund Hillary and tenging norgay Sherpa.
1950:- first hotel in Nepal Himalayan inn
1953:- Royal hotel established
1955:- Thomas cook and sons got special permission to organize a tour for 60 tourists withinKathmandu valley.
1956:- introduced visa system for first time
1957:- his majesty’s government of Nepalformed a tourism board and constituted tourism development committee
1977:- development of tourism ministry (MOCTCA)
1966:- establishment of NATA (Nepal association of travel Agents)
1967:- establishment of TAAN (trekking agent association of Nepal)
1999:- establishment of NTB (Nepal tourism Board) for the development of tourism in Nepal.
1963:- made an act for compulsory registration of travel agency
1964:- first four star hotels “Shankar hotel” by ramshankhar shrestha
1964:-first four star hotels “Shankar hotel” “hotel Del Annapurna” came up as a first five star hotel
1998:- declared as a “visitNepal year” with mission of 5 lakhs tourist this was the first effective way to introduce Nepal as a tourism destination in international.
After Maoist started people’s war in 1996 the country for the social, economic development of Nepali people which brought threats to the tourist and the number of tourist started decline. The plan and policies was likely stopped for tourism in this period.
After restoration of democracy 19 days general strike of Nepali people. Tourism is regenerate for the tourism management and penetration.
“Nepal tourism year 2011” introduced with mission of one million tourist capacity building in the country. However the
The concept of village tourism, community tourism home stay is presented by different tourism specialist.
2010:- Nepal was listed in one of the travelling destination over the world. It was listed in 6thdestination for travelling.
Bryan Adams (a popular rock star of 90’s) gave a concert inKathmandu, Nepal which also helped Nepal to recognize as a best destination for entertainment activities.
Prepared By : Suzan Shrestha
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